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How To Choose The Perfect Hair Color

Choosing the perfect hair color is not as difficult as one might think! A skilled stylist will be able to assist you with this process by guiding you through the decision with your goals in mind. Our team loves to ask lots of questions about your ideal look, hunt for inspiration photos, and overall strive to create your unique style with your vision in mind.

Here’s how we do it:

Your Style Goals

The first thing your stylist needs to know is what “look” you want to achieve. Are you looking for a subtle change? Or maybe you just like to adjust your look to the seasons? Another great way to get inspired before heading to the salon is to just LOOK around. There are always people around us—at the grocery store, the gym, school, or work—that can inspire your next show-stopping style.

Cosmetic Factors

Our skin will sometimes dictate what color we should choose. Do you have cool or warm skin? If you have cool skin, you may want to pick a color that is burgundy or beige brown. If you have warm tones to your skin, however, you may want a strawberry or honey color. Or maybe it’s not that deep, and you just want a temporary color for a fun evening.

Hair Color Virgins

First time? Before you can decide on what look you want to achieve for your first professional color, here are a few things to consider:

  1. Your level of commitment. Is this something you will want to maintain monthly or annually?
  2. Will the color you want match with your skin tone?
  3. Do you want a solid color? Or something with dimension?
  4. Are you willing to compromise the health of your hair?

Your first professional hair color is a big milestone, and you’ll want to make sure that you’ve done your homework and picked the right stylist for the job. It’s important to be able to completely trust your stylist and salon. If you communicate your concerns with your stylist and be as descriptive about what you want out of your visit, your stylist will be able to help guide you through the process. Diving into color for the first time is an exciting step, and we’d love to share it with you.

Whatever look you’re dreaming about for your next (or first) color, let’s explore it together!

P.S. Stylists love to have a blank canvas—virgin hair—to work on!

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